Note 3: Danish silent film I, pp. 13-14. Arnold Hending: When the Polar Bear Was Little, pp. 11-12. The latter place Hending does not seem to have been aware that it was Pacht who in 1898 moved his wax cabinet and his film screenings from the Panorama building on Rådhuspladsen to the Panoptikon building on Vesterbro's Passage, later called Vesterbrogade. On 22 July 1909, the consortium A / S Det stumme Teater, upon application, was granted permission to run a definite cinema business on the site. The grant holder was the author Sven Lange, while the daily, artistic management of the cinema, which was naturally named Panoptikon-Teatret, was placed in the hands of the author Otto Larssen. But the day-to-day management was already taken over in 1910 by E. Schnedler-Sørensen, who had extensive experience in film production and cinema operations. The cinema "Panoptikon-Teatret" existed in the years 1909-1925.