Note 6: Bjørn Rasmussen: The Films Who What Where - Danish titles and biographies 1929-1967, p. 484, columns 1-2, and 182, column 2. The H.C. Andersen adventure films in which Storm P. participated are - apart from “The Galoshes of Fortune” ("Lykkens Kalosker") - mentioned in Danish silent film I-II: Fyrtøjet, I, p. 135, 195, 200. Little Claus and big Claus (Lille Claus og Store Claus), II, p. 527, 562. In Filmen and H.C. Andersen, Lykkens Kalosker is mentioned on pages 9, 11, 21 Fyrtøjet (The Tinderbox), pp. 11, 11-14, 13. Lille Claus and Store Claus, I, pp. 17, 19, 17-22.