Note 6: Poul Carit Andersen: Life is a circus. A book about Storm-P. and his time. Carit Andersens Forlag, 1972, page 98). However, the same image has previously been reproduced in Arnold Hending: The Film and H.C. Andersen. Kandrup & Wunsch. Copenhagen 1955, page 17. In the same work, page 19, another scene from the film is reproduced, namely where Little Claus reveals to the farmer that his wife's lover, the clerk, has hidden in the coffin. The role of the farmer was played by the actor Peter S. Andersen and as his wife Martha Hegner (1871-1948) was seen. The clerk's small role was played by Henrik Malberg's younger brother, Peter Malberg (1887-1965), who later became known as a comic actor in many Danish sound films. The scene has undoubtedly taken inspiration from the illustrator Vilhelm Pedersen's illustration of the same situation. See e.g. H.C.Andersen: Collected Adventures and Stories. With drawings by Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frølich. Volume I, Gyldendal's Crane Books, page 19. The mentioned photo is also reproduced in Ib Boye: The actor Storm P. Carit Andersens Forlag 1982, page 25.

     In Politiken for Saturday March 12, 1955, there is a short preview of Arnold Hending's book "Filmen og H.C.Andersen" under the heading "Theater. Film. Music", and it is accompanied by another photo from "Little Claus and Big Claus", where Little Claus (Henrik Malberg) according to the text sits at the table with "an old wife" (played by Victor Neumann). It is probably Little Claus' old grandmother. Under the same heading in Politiken for Wednesday April 6, 1955, Hending's book is further mentioned by Hr. Bert, a pseudonym for editor Herbert Steinthal. The mention here is accompanied by a scene from Nordisk Film's film adaptation of "Fyrtøjet" from 1907.