Note: 17: One of the employees at VEPRO, the then only 14-year-old Karen Bech, among her then work colleagues called "Miss Bech", firmly believes that the company ceased at the end of September 1942. In his remarks about his career, Bjørn mentions Frank Jensen also that Vepro ceased in the autumn of 1942. This is apparently contradicted by the fact that as late as the year 1943 there was an illustrated article in the magazine "Fritiden", no. 10, as under the heading "Det danske Tegnefilms-Hollywood” Told about what was made of especially advertising cartoons in the studio. The article is reproduced in the history of Jakob Stegelmann's Tegnefilmens historie, but the possibility that the year stated incorrectly cannot be ruled out. Lars Jakobsen, cited work, p. 99, seems to think that VEPRO did not close until 1943, as the stated place states the following: “In 1943, Vepro had to close, either due to ailing economy or distrust of German cooperation. Despite the large-scale strategy, it did not succeed in keeping the company alive.”