Note 7: The interest in HC Andersen's fairy tale "Fyrtøjet" was aroused so much that it was dramatized as a play and performed at Jan Zangenbergs Teater in Copenhagen in October 1985. - The same was the case when Rimfaxe Teater staged "Fyrtøjet" as an opera performance for children and adults and toured the country with it. - In 1995, Eventyr Teatret performed "Fyrtøjet" as a musical on the Amager Stage. - March 1 to April 21, 1996, "Fyrtøjet" was played as a theater performance at Teatret Bag Kroen in Charlottenlund. The play was a family show with music from the feature film "Fyrtøjet" from 1946.

    The composer and author Kai Rosenberg (1898-1977) wrote around 19 ?? lyrics and music for several fairy tale comedies, including H.C. Andersen's "Fyrtøjet", which was also recorded on a gramophone record. Here Bjørn Watt Boolsen was the soldier, Maria Garland played the witch, while the king was played by Kai Rosenberg himself. Knud Heglund, who had given voice to the king in the feature film "Fyrtøjet", was here the waiter, sergeant and the dog with eyes like teacups. The Princess was played by Elin Reimer.

     My own plans for a feature film about the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" were stranded primarily on the fact that Walt Disney Productions at the same time was far ahead with the production of a feature film about the same fairy tale. Disney's "The Little Mermaid" premiered in 1989 and became a great international success, despite the fact that it had allowed itself to process the fairy tale quite freely and also changed the ending to something that at least I am convinced that H.C. Andersen would not have liked.