1919 - 2000
From prehistory to the computer age
Collected, told and partially
experienced by
Harry Rasmussen.
Webmaster: Jakob Koch
This project on Danish cartoon history was started in
1984, and was originally intended as a book publication. However, the nature
and scope of the subject has made such a form of publication questionable.
Therefore, we have decided instead to put it online with this website.
The benefits of publishing on the website are many. We
have control over the form and content, and we can change and add to the
material at any time. We can grow the website by constantly adding new chapters
and biographies.
There is already some collected material available,
and this version of Danish cartoon history is largely written. New sections
will be added to the website on an ongoing basis, which will also be regularly
updated with new information and new material. Therefore, we would like to
encourage everyone who has worked professionally with cartoons, or who has
relationships with, knowledge or information about living and / or deceased
cartoonists, to contact us with relevant information to illuminate the Danish
cartoon history. We are very interested in drawings, photos, newspaper
clippings and video clips for the website, but must point out that we can only
put material on the website that will not be in conflict with copyright law and
Of course, we cannot guarantee that all submitted
material will appear on the website. In return, it is the intention that all
collected material in due course will be handed over to the Film Museum or a
similar institution, where it will hopefully be preserved for posterity.
Harry Rasmussen. Initiator and author of the project.
Jakob Koch. Website webmaster.
relating to. copyright
For the sake of clarity, it must be clarified that in
accordance with the Copyright Act, the image material from this website may not
be used without prior permission from the respective persons and companies that
have the copyright to these. The same applies to longer excerpts from the text,
which may not be reproduced unless there is an express written agreement to
this effect with Harry Rasmussen and Jakob Koch.
April 6, 2010. Translated into English in February
2021 by Harry Rasmussen.
Yours sincerely
Harry Rasmussen and Jakob Koch.
The present story about Danish cartoons from and
including the prehistory of the film and the cartoon, over Storm.P. and the
feature film “Fyrtøjet” (1946), even the short film "It is
perfectly true!" (2006), will to some extent be a narrative about my
personal connection to the Danish cartoon industry in the years 1943-1991, and
what followed."
But the
story naturally also contains an objective presentation of the preconditions
for and circumstances surrounding Danish cartoon production in the mentioned
period, which is the result of many years of research and collection of
information about people and facts concerning the people's greater or lesser
importance in connection with the subject. Below, conferences have been held
with live as well as with printed first- or second-hand sources.
sources must be highlighted here, namely Wonderful Danish animated films,
which unfortunately are no longer available at the Internet address, a website written and designed by journalist Niels Plaschke
(b. 1957). It is therefore with great regret that interested parties will no
longer be able to retrieve the good, relevant and useful information and
knowledge from that source. Where there are references to the said source in
the cartoon history, the reader must therefore be disappointed with regret. It
can be said about Niels Plaschke that he was educated at the High School of
Journalism, where in 1981 he was given the task of writing an exam about the
then Gutenberghus' publishing policy around the magazine Anders And &
Co. As a trained journalist, he was contacted in 1982 by the editor of the
fanzine Carl Barks & Co., Freddy Milton, who gave him the task of
editing a tape interview, Milton had done with one of the older Danish
cartoonists, Børge Ring. It was the beginning of many years of con amore
work with collecting data and material and building a database on the subject.
Niels Plaschke tried in 1995 to produce a TV program on the subject, but it
The other
source, which, however, is more about American cartoons and only to a lesser
extent about Danish cartoons, is “Tegnefilmens historie”, written by the
author and editor Jakob Stegelmann (b. 1957) and published by Forlaget
Stavnsager 1984. The book is a relatively thorough review of American cartoon
production, but contains several factual errors about Danish cartoons. It was
especially the circumstance that got me started on my own project.
The third
source is the cartoonist and author Lars Jakobsen (b. 1964), who for
some years has researched specifically about two of Danish cartoon pioneers and
great figures: Jørgen Müller (Myller) and Henning Dahl Mikkelsen
(Mik). The latter will be best known for his world-famous cartoon "Ferd'nand".
The knowledge that Lars Jakobsen has acquired through his extensive and
thorough research work and also through his personal friendship with Dahl
Mikkelsen's son, Eric Dahl Mikkelsen, California, he has published in
2001 with the book “mik - a biography of the artist Henning Dahl Mikkelsen”.
Published by Wisby & Wilkens. The book makes a significant contribution to
uncovering an important period in the history of Danish cartoons. About Lars
Jakobsen can also be informed that in collaboration with Jakob Stegelmann in
1997 he produced a TV program for DR TV on the occasion of the 60th anniversary
of the creation of the cartoon character "Ferd'nand". By the way Lars
Jakobsen's website also deals with cartoon history.
During my
own research work, it has turned out that several of the people who have had a
relatively prominent place in the history of Danish cartoons, and for whom it
was important to get additional information from and about, have unfortunately
passed away. This applies first and foremost to Robert Storm Petersen,
who died in 1949, and the photographer Karl Wieghorst, who also died
many years ago. This also applies, for example, to Jørgen Müller, who
died in 1995, aged 85, and Henning Dahl Mikkelsen, who died in 1982,
aged 67. The same is true of Anker Roepstorff, who died in 1992, aged
82. Also with Børge Hamberg, who died in 1970, 50 years old, Allan
Johnsen, who died in 1983, 75 years old, Ib Steinaa, who died at the
age of 60 in 1987, and Peter Toubro, who died in 1993 at the age of 78
Storm Petersen Fortunately, there is a lot of available and useful information
about, not least thanks to the Storm P. Museum by director Jens Bing,
who must therefore be thanked here for extremely benevolent permission to
freely use drawings by Storm P., who has his cartoon production to do. We
consider this permission an important contribution that can only make the
account of Storm P.'s unique pioneering efforts in the history of Danish
cartoons even more interesting and exciting than would have been the case
without his humorous and slightly satirical drawings in this area.
On the other hand, we must regret that so far it has
unfortunately not been possible to obtain further information about Storm P.'s
photographer in the years 1919-27, Karl Wieghorst, apart from the information
about him found on Niels Plaschke's website and in Lars Jakobsen's book. about
Henning Dahl Mikkelsen.
Jørgen Müller, there is reason to thank for the information that Mrs Edel
Müller has kindly contributed. Also a big thank you to Mrs Inge Roepstorff for
the much information about her husband and his time with cartoons, and for the
material that has been so kindly provided. Mrs Roepstorff has also
contributed a great deal of information about both Jørgen Müller and Dahl
Mikkelsen, without which this cartoon story would have been even more deficient
than is now hopefully the case. And finally, a big thank you to Mrs Bodil
Hamberg for her lively interest in the case and her willingness to provide
information regarding Børge Hamberg's life and career, as well as for the
material provided.
thanks to the extremely benevolent interest of Allan Johnsen's widow, Mrs
Gerda ("Tesse") Johnsen, it was possible to obtain the details of
his life and career that are important for understanding the part of Danish
cartoon history that deals with the feature film "Fyrtøjet" and the
project "Klods-Hans". Thank you very much for this information.
Thanks are
also due to Peter Toubro's son, Michael Toubro, for his equally
benevolent interest in this project and for the important information about his
father, without which the story of the feature film "Fyrtøjet" in
particular would have been incomplete.
The same
would have been the case without the information and photos made available for
this version of "Fyrtøjet"'s story by artist and painter Bodil
Dargis, b. Rønnow. Bodil Rønnow at the time was a valued employee on the
feature film for several years.
There is
also good reason to thank the many who to a greater or lesser degree have contributed
information about themselves and their lives and careers within or in
connection with Danish cartoons. The thanks go especially to Børge Ring, born
1921, and Bjørn Frank Jensen (1920-2001) and his daughter Inga F.
Jensen, whose help with information on behalf of the father has been
invaluable. Thanks are also due to Kaj Pindal (1927-2019), for his great
helpfulness with information and material regarding himself and his long career
in Danish and especially foreign, especially Canadian cartoons. Former
advertising manager at Ferrosan, Helge Hau (1922-2006) is thanked for
his willing help with information and material about himself and his many years
of career as a draftsman, which began with "Fyrtøjet". The cartoonist
and animator Walther Lehmann (1933-2006) is also thanked for great and
benevolent help with information and material about himself and his almost
lifelong career within the Danish cartoon industry.
A special
thank you to the film company PALLADIUM A/S v / Ulla Hansen for kind permission
to use images from the feature film "Fyrtøjet" in connection with
this website's mention of the film's production in the years 1942-46. So far,
the cartoon story has been able to link to the movie "Fyrtøjet" on
YouTube, which is no longer possible as it is in violation of copyright.
Palladium A/S was discontinued in 2017 and the rights to e.g.
"Fyrtøjet" has been handed over to the Danish Film Institute. We have
applied for permission to link to the film via Google Drive, but were refused
on the grounds that in that case there would be a publicly available showing of
the film, which is contrary to the Film Institute's copyrights to it. On the
other hand, the Film Institute by lawyer Aida Hassouna has given permission for
a free screening of 10 minutes of the film "Fyrtøjet" with a total of
76 minutes of playing time. We naturally thank this kindness and permission on
behalf of our own and the history of cartoons. Link to the abbreviated version
of "Fyrtøjet" can be found in Part 2 "The cartoon " Fyrtøjet".
Speaking of
pictures, a cartoon story without a sufficient number of pictures, albeit only
still pictures, should be almost unthinkable. Nevertheless, it has been shown
along the way that not all copyright holders have wanted or been able to give
permission to reproduce images from their cartoons free of charge. Therefore,
we must disappoint the website's readers that it is not possible to bring
silence from Poul Ilsøe's "The Swineherd and the Princess on the
Pea" (1962), nor from the highly publicized "Valhalla"
(1986), which Sandrew Metronome Danmark A/S owns the rights to. Unfortunately,
it is also not possible to bring pictures from two of Jannik Hastrup's long
cartoons: "The Bird War in the Kanøfle Forest" (1991) and "The
monkeys and the secret weapon" (1994), which Nordisk Film in both
cases owns the copyright to.
A very
special thank you, however, to my friend and colleague, the illustrator,
animator and trick film photographer Jakob Koch, whose great interest
and enthusiasm for the subject has been a great inspiration and encouragement
during the creation of this dissertation. It is also Jakob Koch who is
responsible for the computer technology in connection with this website, whose
Web master he is at the same time.
Last but not
least, my thanks go to my wife, illustrator and educator Birgit Bennedbæk,
who has followed the work 'birth pains' with interest, faithfully and lovingly,
as well as the joy of its completion. Birgit Bennedbæk has previously for a
number of years worked professionally with cartoons.
However, it has had to be stated that several of the
people who are or have been involved in the Danish cartoon industry over time,
unfortunately have not wanted or been able to contribute information about
themselves. In those cases, it has been necessary to investigate the people's
efforts and possible significance in Danish cartoons through other, not always
equally easily accessible channels. But it is to be regretted that some have
therefore not been given the place or mention in this version of the history of
Danish cartoons that they could possibly have deserved.
Part of the
cartoon history, especially regarding the feature film "Fyrtøjet" and
the time after, is as mentioned partly based on my own memories of this film's
production in the years 1942-46, and on my own knowledge of and participation
in the Danish cartoon industry, such as this came to shape subsequently.
Needless to
say, the history of Danish cartoons - like any other cultural phenomenon - is linked
to the general economic, political, social and cultural situation and
conditions of the surrounding society. The report on Danish cartoons has
therefore, to a certain extent, been sought to be placed within the framework
that constitutes Denmark's general internal and external situation in the
decades covered by cartoon history.
As the
subtitle suggests, this cartoon story is to some extent also about the foreign
cartoon, including not least American cartoon and its history. Without this,
there would hardly have been anything called Danish cartoons.
Taastrup, October 2005. Revised September 2017.
Translated into English in February 2021 by the author.
Harry Rasmussen.
Updated January 10, 2013:
It should be clarified here that from the very
beginning, this website has had an ambition to tell the story of Danish
cartoons as seriously and correctly as it has been possible, based on the
available facts on the subject. In the years that have passed since the
website's start in 2005, we have experienced an approach of visits to this,
which we, in view of the narrow topic, had only dared to hope for. It is
therefore gratifying to note that even more demanding readers or users of this
website think that our treatment of the subject matches an international
standard. It naturally inspires to continue the relatively large project, which
to date has been completed con amore and will continue to be so.
Taastrup, January 2013
Harry Rasmussen and Jakob Koch.
Inserted Notabene
In this
version of Danish cartoon history, the term ‘cartoon’ has been consistently
used, because it was and still is under this concept that most older Danes and
children know the phenomenon that the term covers: namely drawn ‘live images’.
In recent times, it is mainly people without a direct connection to the cartoon
industry who prefer to use the more comprehensive term ‘animated film’. The
latter concept and designation is taken from the English technical language, as
the word ‘cartoon’ in English is called ‘animated cartoons’. But when, like me,
you have mainly wanted to describe the phenomenon that the concept covers on
Danish soil, and otherwise to distinguish between the genres within animation
film, it is only natural to use a Danish term as 'cartoon'.
Taastrup, June 2009. Translated into English by the
author in February 2021
The story of Danish cartoons and its historical
preconditions and production conditions in the years 1919-2000, which must be
told here, is, as already mentioned, the result of many years of research work.
due to copyright and copyright, as well as the price of photos, drawings, etc.,
which it would have been natural and a plus to include in a report of a kind
like the present one, we have had to restrict the dissertation to cover the
period mainly only from and with the feature film "Fyrtøjet" (1946)
and even "It is perfectly true!” (2006). This version of Danish cartoon
history will, however, mainly concentrate on the time immediately before,
during and after the production of "Fyrtøjet", which took place in
the years 1942 - 1946.
It was
projected from the beginning that it would be possible to give a comprehensive
and comprehensive review of not only the decidedly cartoon, but also of other
forms of animated film history since the 19th century. However, it became clear
along the way that the subject had to be limited to dealing with the decidedly
cartoon for various reasons, though primarily for temporal and economic
reasons. That is, films drawn and animated on paper and in many cases then
copied onto celluloid sheets and together with one or more hand-painted or
possibly photographic or similar backgrounds, have been recorded on a so-called
trick table.
The earliest cartoon history does not know about the
use of celluloid sheets, drawing and animating on paper. The technique of
copying the animated drawings onto transparent celluloid sheets using pen and
ink was, as far as is known, first used from around 1914-15.
Above is the light desk, which is indispensable for classical animation.
Photo © 1973 Harry Rasmussen.
The animation drawings were previously transferred to the celluloid
sheets with a felt-tip pen or brush, just as the figure / figures were painted
on the back of the celluloid sheets with a brush and special colors.
Photo © 1980 Harry Rasmussen.
Above is an example of the so-called trick table, in English called
Rostrum Camera, as this in principle looked from the 1930s and all the way to
the 1990s, when it was supplemented with computer technical improvements. Photo
© 1983 Jakob Koch.
However, the
dissertation also includes cartoons, which are made with the so-called cut-out
technique, where the figures are hand-drawn on paper or cardboard or other
material and then cut or cut out for use in so-called moving animation.
Compared to the hand-drawn full-animation and celluloid cartoon, the
significantly faster and more economical work process in the cut-out technique
was used from a very early stage in the history of the cartoon, and has in fact
been used right up to the present day.
But with the
mentioned limitation of the subject, it means that all other forms of animation
films, than decidedly cartoons and cut-out films, which i.a. that is, puppet
films, pixilation films and computer-generated animation, will only be
mentioned in this dissertation in those cases and contexts where it is deemed
It was
originally planned that the project would also provide an overview of the rest
of European, Russian and Asian cartoon production, but no matter how
interesting the cartoon history of the respective countries is in itself, it
had to be abandoned. Partly because it would be too extensive and partly
because the film production of the countries in question - perhaps just apart
from Eastern European cartoons in the 1950s-60s - has not had a significant
impact on Danish cartoon production.
However, there are a few exceptions, as French and
English cartoon production in particular will be mentioned to the extent that
these can be stated to have had an impact on cartoon history in general and on
Danish cartoons in particular. In any case, it must be stated that it is and
will be American entertainment cartoons that over time have had the greatest
influence on commercial Danish cartoon production, from Storm P.'s and Karl
Wieghorst's primitive cartoons to especially A. Film's technically advanced
From the
start, the project was large-scale, as the plan was also to compile a
biographical register of all the people who over time have been employed in the
Danish cartoon industry. But this unfortunately turned out to be out of the
question, as it partly required a major research work and partly required too
extensive and costly correspondence for it to be affordable for a single man to
carry out.
However, as
the work of collecting information had begun and was thus available to a number
of people, ready-made biographies were available for those concerned. These -
unfortunately far too few - biographies are therefore included in the
dissertation's biographical section, as they are intended as a contribution to
a tentatively started register of people who over time have had some form of
employment in or affiliation with the Danish cartoon industry.
So far, the
press and the media, even in the professional literature, have only heard of
the most prominent figures in Danish cartoon production, which mainly means
producers and directors. But my thought has also been to give recognition to
the "ordinary" and usually unknown cartoonists, which especially
means key animators, assistant animators, in-betweeners, inkers and celluloid-
painters, as well as layout designers, background painters and trick film
photographers. Because without all their greater or lesser talent and patient
work, there are a lot of Danish cartoons over time that would not have been
produced at all.
Unfortunately, my relatively old age forbids me to continue the project
myself, apart from refining and preparing the material for the website. It is
therefore my hope that one or perhaps more other researchers in Danish cartoon
history will understand my intentions and continue the work begun, possibly. in
collaboration with Jakob Koch, who will continue to be the Webmaster of the
website, also after my death.
Next section:
"When the film came to Denmark"